Navigating Child Custody Arrangements: A Comprehensive Guide

On behalf of The Law Office of Wickersham and Bowers posted in Family Law on Wednesday September 13th, 2023.

The decision of who will raise a child may be emotionally taxing and logistically challenging. This guide offers a concise summary of important factors that should be considered while planning for child custody. The end goal: Ensuring the continued health and happiness of the children in the event that their parents no longer live together.

1. Communication is Key 

Open and honest communication between parents is essential. Discuss schedules, routines, and significant decisions to create a cohesive parenting plan.

2. Types of Custody

Understand legal and physical custody. Legal custody involves decision-making authority, while physical custody determines where the child primarily resides.

3. Best Interests of the Child

Courts prioritize the child’s well-being. Stability, emotional bonds, and a safe environment influence custody decisions.

4. Cooperative Parenting

A cooperative approach benefits children. Maintain consistency in rules and routines between households.

5. Mediation and Legal Help

Mediation can ease conflicts, but legal help might be necessary. Consult a family law attorney to understand your rights and options.

6. Detailed Parenting Plan

Create a comprehensive plan outlining daily schedules, holidays, vacations, and communication methods.

7. Flexibility Matters

Be open to adjustments as children grow and circumstances change.

8. Child’s Voice

Consider the child’s age and maturity. Their preferences might be considered in custody decisions.

9. Document Everything

Keep records of agreements, schedules, and any arising disputes. This documentation can be helpful later.

10. Focus on the Positive

Foster a healthy connection between the child and the parent with whom the child does not live. It is best not to say anything unpleasant about the parent.

11. Adapting to Change

Life is unpredictable. Be ready to make changes to the custody arrangement if they become necessary.

Empathy, compromise, and maintaining a focus on what is best for the child are all important traits to have while negotiating child custody agreements. Keep in mind that this is an ongoing journey that demands patience and comprehension. Guardians can create a stable and affectionate environment for their child, fostering wholesome growth by always prioritizing the child’s best interests in their choices.

Digital Estate Planning: Securing Your Online Legacy for Future Generations

On behalf of The Law Office of Wickersham and Bowers posted in Estate Planning on Wednesday September 13th, 2023.

In an era where our lives are increasingly intertwined with the digital realm, a new aspect of estate planning has emerged—digital estate planning. Just as we meticulously plan the distribution of our physical assets, considering our online presence and safeguarding our digital legacy has become paramount. Digital estate planning involves managing and preserving your online accounts and data, ensuring that your virtual footprint remains intact for the benefit of future generations.

As we accumulate a plethora of online accounts, social media profiles, and valuable digital assets, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of adequately managing these aspects in the event of our passing. Neglecting digital estate planning could lead to lost memories, inaccessible sentimental items, and potential security risks. Here is a comprehensive guide to securing your online legacy.

1. Take Inventory of Digital Assets

Compile a list of your digital accounts, including social media, email, financial platforms, and subscription services. Document any sentimental digital possessions like photos, videos, and documents stored in the cloud.

2. Appoint a Digital Personal Representative

Just as you would select a personal representative for your will, choose a trusted individual to oversee your digital assets. Ensure they have the necessary information to access and manage your online accounts according to your wishes.

3. Specify Your Wishes

Incorporate your digital asset management preferences into your will or a separate document. Consider your final wishes about your social media profiles and make the necessary preparations. Specify in detail how confidential material should be handled.

4. Use Secure Password Management

Implement solid and unique passwords for each account and consider using a password manager. Share access details with your digital personal representative, keeping security a top priority.

5. Understand Platform Policies

Familiarize yourself with different platforms’ terms of service and policies. Some venues have specific procedures for handling the accounts of deceased users.

By embracing digital estate planning, you’re ensuring that cherished memories and meaningful digital possessions endure while easing the burden on your loved ones during an emotionally challenging time. Your online legacy is an integral part of your overall heritage, and just as you’d leave a physical inheritance, securing your digital legacy guarantees that your impact transcends generations. Remember, preparing today ensures that your digital footprint remains a guiding light for those who come after you.