When Family Law Meets Technology: Legal Trends in the Digital Era

On behalf of The Law Office of Wickersham and Bowers posted in Family Law on Tuesday March 19th, 2024.

The intersection of family law and technology marks a critical point in legal practice today. As technology advances, it’s reshaping how legal issues are approached in family law. From social media’s role in divorce proceedings to digital assets in property division, technology is undeniably a game-changer.

Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

One of the most significant influences of technology in family law is the advent of social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can provide compelling evidence in divorce cases. For instance, posts can indicate a parent’s lifestyle choices or financial status, influencing decisions on child custody or alimony. However, this tool can be a double-edged sword. It demands careful navigation to ensure that digital evidence is relevant and admissible in court.

Cryptocurrency and Asset Division

Another evolving aspect is the impact of digital assets, such as cryptocurrency, on financial settlements. Cryptocurrency poses challenges due to its volatility and the difficulty in tracing and valuation. Lawyers now need to be adept in understanding and handling such digital assets, ensuring fair division during divorce settlements.

Tech-Driven Child Custody Solutions

Technology has also offered innovative solutions for managing child custody. Digital tools and applications are emerging to help co-parents manage schedules, share important child-related information, and communicate effectively. This tech-based approach aids in reducing conflicts and ensuring a child-focused parenting arrangement.

AI and the Future of Family Law

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to make significant inroads into family law. From predicting case outcomes to automating document preparation, AI can streamline processes, although it raises questions about the human element in family law. Balancing technology’s efficiency with empathy remains a critical challenge for legal professionals.

Embrace the Future With Wickersham and Bowers

At Wickersham and Bowers, we are at the forefront of these evolving trends. Our team combines legal expertise with a deep understanding of the digital landscape to navigate the complexities of modern family law. Whether tackling digital assets, leveraging social media evidence, or employing tech-driven co-parenting tools, we are dedicated to providing tailored, forward-thinking solutions. Contact us today to ensure that your family law matters are handled with the expertise and care that reflect today’s digital realities.

Unique Assets in Estate Planning: Handling Art, Antiques, and Collectibles

On behalf of The Law Office of Wickersham and Bowers posted in Estate Planning on Tuesday March 19th, 2024.

Estate planning often involves more than just financial assets and real estate. For many, unique assets such as art, antiques, and collectibles hold not only monetary value but also sentimental importance. Understanding how to manage these items in your estate plan is crucial. This is where expertise in handling such distinctive assets becomes invaluable.

Valuation and Appraisal

The first step in estate planning for art, antiques, and collectibles is obtaining accurate valuations. These items might have appreciated significantly over time, and their current market value can be quite different from the original purchase price. Professional appraisals are essential for a fair and accurate assessment of these assets. This not only aids in equitable distribution but also ensures appropriate insurance coverage and tax calculations.

Legal Considerations

Once the value is determined, legal considerations come into play. This involves deciding how these assets will be distributed. Will they be bequeathed to family members, donated to museums, or perhaps sold? Each option has legal and tax implications. Detailed documentation and clear instructions in your will or trust are necessary to ensure your wishes are honored.

Preservation and Maintenance

Preserving the condition of these assets is another key aspect. Art and antiques require specific care and climate control to maintain their value and condition. Part of your estate plan should include instructions or funds allocated for the ongoing care and preservation of these items.

Succession Planning

For collectors, succession planning can also involve educating heirs about the value and care of these items. This ensures that your legacy is not only passed down but also preserved and appreciated by future generations.

Transforming Your Legacy Into a Masterpiece

At Wickersham and Bowers, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with including art, antiques, and collectibles in your estate plan. Our experienced team provides tailored advice and solutions, ensuring your treasured assets are handled with the care and expertise they deserve. Let us help you secure your legacy and transform it into a lasting masterpiece. Contact us today to discuss your estate planning needs.