Can I Date Other People Before My Divorce Is Final?

On behalf of The Law Office of Wickersham and Bowers posted in Family Law on Wednesday August 10th, 2022.

After a divorce, dating can be challenging. If you recently separated and are now returning to the dating world, you may be wondering “can I date someone new before my divorce is final?”

The Short Answer


There is no legal prohibition against beginning a romantic relationship before a divorce is final. In any jurisdiction, it is not necessary to prove one party’s fault for a couple to obtain a divorce. The new person you are dating doesn’t have to be concerned about being accused of adultery in the divorce proceeding.

Will It Complicate Your Proceedings?

It might. 

Dating is defined by law as one-on-one social interaction with another person. There is technically no difference between platonic and romantic or sexual contact. However, romantic or sexual relationships are the ones that garner attention and could complicate your divorce case, practically speaking.

Even if you are formally separated, divorce attorneys advise against dating during the divorce process. There is a possibility that it might raise the cost and stress of the divorce trial. If you’re still married, you shouldn’t date anyone else. However, once a person has physically and legally separated their spouse, judges rarely penalize them for starting a new relationship—sexual or otherwise.

Remember, it can be quite challenging to date while a divorce is still pending. It’s possible that dating someone new won’t impact the divorce process, but consider if it’s truly worth the risk. Before starting a new relationship, speak with your lawyer if you genuinely want to end your marriage. You can get legal advice regarding the repercussions of dating while your divorce is still pending. You may be advised to keep your connection private and try not to be seen together in public if you are dating someone. Definitely do not introduce your children to a new partner before the final divorce decree.

Get All of Your Divorce Questions Answered

The staff at Wickersham and Bowers is accessible right now to respond to your inquiries if you’re considering sacking your marriage. Our attorneys are skilled, competent, and sympathetic experts with years of combined legal expertise. We’ll work hard to get you the best result while assisting you in understanding your legal rights. 

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