Estate Planning 101

On behalf of The Law Office of Wickersham and Bowers posted in Family Law on Thursday, April 15th, 2020.

Of all of the various types of law that people often overlook or put off until it is too late, estate planning is right there at the top of the list. There may be a number of different reasons for this, such as many times a person feels like they are in good health and have many years left to worry about it.

Other times it may simply be that they feel that they don’t have a portfolio or assets that really require legal clarification and distribution. But many times the experienced estate attorneys at Wickersham and Bowers find that it is just a case of the client being anxious and nervous about facing their own mortality on the black and white pages of end-of-life legal documents.

The Importance of Estates and Wills

Estate planning isn’t just something meant for old, sick people with lots of money and assets. In this world that we live in very few things are certain. Young, healthy people who eat well and exercise regularly come down with serious, unexpected illnesses out of nowhere. Accidents can happen at any given time on any given day. If something unexpected were to happen to you, think about where it might leave your family and loved ones.

The Peace of Mind of Knowing Your Wishes are Carried Out

Having the knowledge that your final wishes for your spouse, children, employees, or anyone else that depends on you and what you provide for them is something that simply cannot be overstated. Although you will not be here to see it, imagine how you would feel knowing that there were legal battles and court litigation going on after your death to determine the course of action for your estate.

Security for Your Loved Ones

We know that no one ever has the intention of leaving those they care about to deal with a messy legal situation during a time when they should be mourning and celebrating your life. There is no greater gift and ease of burden that you could leave those folks than letting someone like Wickersham and Bowers take care of the details of your estate.

Contact us today for a consultation.

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